I’m changing jobs. Leaving @ProximalData after 2.5 years. More news to come

TL;DR I’m changing jobs. Leaving @ProximalData after 2.5 years. More news to come.

It seems not that long ago I left my previous position with a local university to join Proximal Data. Startup time is like dog years! 2 and 1/2  years, 37 generally available releases across 3 hypervisor platforms, early WebEx sessions, late WebEx sessions, pages and pages of tech docs and emails, along with many long hard hours and a whole bunch of learning later, I’m taking another leap. I’ll share where I’m heading in another post. It’s a role that I’ve been steering my career toward and I feel the time is right for this opportunity. In making my decision I consulted more than just my own heart, my head and my wife… though those are obviously high up in my decision tree. I also have to thank several members of this community for sharing their own experience and insight with me, whether directly via late night phone calls, dms, sms or indirectly via blog posts, podcasts, etc. These include my fellow vBrownbag crew, VMUG co-leaders and current or past employees of my future employer, as well as others who have ‘moved around‘ lately. For others considering making a move, I recommend in addition to feeling out your own network, check out  @JoshAtwell‘s blog posts on the subject at vTesseract.com and Gabriel Chapman @Bacon_Is_King ‘s blog posts, including #SNLDD #7: ‘When is it Time to Jump Ship?‘. I have to thank my team at Proximal Data for bringing me on for my first startup rodeo. I’d do it again in a heartbeat! It was everything and nothing like I’d imagined, all at the same time. Being lead by industry veterans who effectively married the best parts of being a startup with the lessons learned while at large corporations has shaped the lens I view future opportunities though. Working side by side with a senior team of incredibly capable engineers, not being a developer myself, was as challenging as it was inspiring. I am glad they believe in me as much as I have in them. I’ve strengthened my own capability to learn and grow and acquire a number of the skills that I will continue to build my career upon. This is a very amicable parting and I’ve discussed it at length with our CEO, our VP and my colleagues. I wish the company and my coworkers the very best!

#vBrownBag LATAM @VMworld 2014 sesiones recomendadas #VMUG y #vExpert, #VMunderground

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented.
cross-post: blog: http://professionalvmware.com/?p=4659

El pasado 24 de julio, 2014 ProfessionalVMware.com  #vBrownBag LATAM presentó el tema @VMworld sesiones y recomendaciones por Larry Gonzalez, Kyle Murley y Randall Cruz.

(tip: se puede ampliar a pantalla completa y cambiar la calidad de reprodución a HD 720p).

vBrownBag en español es una expansión de la plataforma ProfessionalVMware.com para el crecimiento profesional y contribución a la comunidad VMware de habla hispana en América Latina, España y alrededor del mundo.

Desde que se anunció el lanzamiento de los vBrownBag en castellano como expansión de la plataforma ProfessionalVMware.com venimos grabando las presentaciones realizadas cada jueves a las 7:00 pm hora pacífico (PDT) (02:00 UTC).

Para facilitar el acceso al contenido hemos decidido hacerlo disponible por un canal de YouTube vBrownbagLATAM

Para no perder el webinar en vivo cada semana le invitamos a inscribirse como participante http://bit.ly/BrownbagLATAM

Seguimos reclutando presentadores

Los temas están por determinarse y serán representativos de la necesidad y capacidad de los participantes.

Se puede anotar como presentador en: http://bit.ly/BrownbagPresenter

¡Anímese a compartir y aprender juntos con los miembros de esta, nuestra comunidad vBrownbag en español!